In this hilarious sequel to the hugely popular Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Sally Stick and her shaggy best friend Fetch discover plenty more mysteries to solve. Like, Is there a beaver loose in the town? Who is the handbag thief? And, most importantly, Why does Uncle Bob's house always smell of biscuits? Somehow, despite the accidents, misunderstandings and general confusion that dog the hapless pair wherever they go, they always get results. And they have a lot of fun along the way!
De Hapsnurkers in de puree
Philip Ardagh
audiobookDe Hapsnurkers koppie onder
Philip Ardagh
audiobookThe Witch's Cat
Philip Ardagh
bookThe Library Cat
Philip Ardagh
bookThe Pirate Captain's Cat
Philip Ardagh
bookThe Railway Cat
Philip Ardagh
bookStick and Fetch Off The Leash
Philip Ardagh
audiobookThe Wrong End of the Stick : Stick and Fetch Investigate
Philip Ardagh
audiobookNational Trust: The Secret Diary of Kitty Cask, Smuggler's Daughter
Philip Ardagh
bookNational Trust: The Secret Diary of Thomas Snoop, Tudor Boy Spy
Philip Ardagh
bookNational Trust: The Secret Diary of Jane Pinny, Victorian House Maid
Philip Ardagh
bookNational Trust: The Secret Diary of John Drawbridge, a Medieval Knight in Training
Philip Ardagh