Not all invasion threats were purported to come from the Germans, the French or from Anarchists: in M.P. Shiel’s Yellow Danger it is an army of Chinese who invade Europe. In „The Yellow Danger” Mr. Shiel described in lurid colors the possibilities of the overwhelming of the white world by the yellow man, a possibility for the imagining of, which he claimed no originality. „The Yellow Danger” has been the bugbear of the Russians ever since the days of Tamerlane. But it must be admitted that in his new story. This made Shiel’s popular reputation and was almost certainly the most commercially successful of the twenty books published during his first creative period, 1889-1913.
Prince Zaleski
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Purple Cloud
M.P. Shiel
bookChildren of the Wind
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Man-Stealers
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Lost Viol
M.P. Shiel
bookShapes in the Fire : Being a Mid-Winter’s Nights Entertainment in Two Parts and an Interlude
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Rajah’s Sapphire
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Last Miracle
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Lord of the Sea
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Evil That Men Do
M.P. Shiel
bookThe Purple Cloud
M.P. Shiel