This book is the result of a collaboration between a number of authors working as a European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA) task-group. This is the 2020 state of the art version of understanding and learning Solution-Focused Practice.
It is applicable to various fields of practice, such as therapy, coaching, supervision, social change, educational work, leadership, and other contexts where a detailed understanding of how to manage and promote change in social systems and communities is intended.
The book presents a coherent theory of solution-focused practice for those who want to understand the rationale, together with a comprehensive description of solution-focused practice that can be used in daily practice or training and for developmental purposes.
Theory here is defined as a process theory describing how the solution-focused practice is done, together with explanations of how and why the change process is initiated.
This book is also a statement of what solution-focused practice is and what are the sound reasons to use it.
Vrij wetenschappelijk boek over oplossingsgerichte therapie. Heel nuttig voor gesprekken op stage en heb er best wat mooie vragen uitgehaald! Groot deel van het boek (bijna 50%) is alleen referenties en onderbouwende interviews
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