
To Crush the Moon


Conclusion to the groundbreaking Queendom of Sol series

Once the Queendom of Sol was a glowing monument to humankind’s loftiest

dreams. Ageless and immortal, its citizens lived in peaceful splendor. But as Sol

buckled under the swell of an immorbid population, space itself literally ran out. …

Conrad Mursk has returned to Sol on the crippled starship Newhope. His crew are

the frozen refugees of a failed colony known as Barnard’s Star. A thousand years

older, Mursk finds Sol on the brink of rebellion, while a fanatic necro cult is

reviving death itself. Now Mursk and his lover, Captain Xiomara “Xmary” Li Weng,

are sent on a final, desperate mission by King Bruno de Towaji—one of the

greatest terraformers of the ages—to literally crush the moon. If they succeed,

they’ll save billions of lost souls. If they fail, they’ll strand humanity between

death and something unimaginably worse. …

Verteller: Matt Godfrey