

audioboek en e-book

In his most famous and controversial book, Utopia, Thomas More imagines a perfect island nation where thousands live in peace and harmony, men and women are both educated, and all property is communal. Through dialogue and correspondence between the protagonist Raphael Hythloday and his friends and contemporaries, More explores the theories behind war, political disagreements, social quarrels, and wealth distribution and imagines the day-to-day lives of those citizens enjoying freedom from fear, oppression, violence, and suffering. This vision of an ideal world is also a scathing satire of Europe in the sixteenth century and has been hugely influential since publication, shaping utopian fiction even today.

Verteller: Multiple Narrators


2 beoordelingen



Zonder context behoorlijk moeilijk door te komen. Met context (van een hoorcollege) eigenlijk heel interessant. Heel anders dan ik dacht: ik verwachte een boek over een ideaalwereld, maar dat is het eigenlijk niet, eerder satirisch.