


White Trash Circus will be taking an extended break and wonā€™t be playing any time in the foreseeable future. Please lodge all your complaints to my guitaristā€”and my ex-best friendā€”who I found inside the girlfriend Iā€™ve had since high school. I will pull the freaking knife from my back and continueā€”without either of themā€”when the time is right. With enough hate and anger coursing through my veins to keep me in therapy for life, Iā€™m going to save my cash and let the music heal me. Prepare all your bleeding hearts to be tormented with the most righteous, heavy, and cataclysmic tunes to ever come out of me. So thereā€™s that to look forward to. Thank you for all the support over the years, the gigs, the love, and most of all memories. Donā€™t trust anyone and stay metalā€”Vaughan. PS. Connor, you left your guitar and rig at my house so I took the liberty of relocating it to my front lawn. I might have dropped it on the way out the door. In your own words, brother, ā€œSometimes stuff just happens.ā€ PPS. Our drummer spontaneously combusted and is no longer with us.