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  1. Birdology : Adventures with a Pack of Hens, a Peck of Pigeons, Cantankerous Crows, Fierce Falcons, Hip Hop Parrots, Baby Hummingbirds, and One Murderously Big Living Dinosaur (t)

    Sy Montgomery

  2. Know What Makes Them Tick : How to Successfully Negotiate Almost Any Situation

    Max Siegel, G.F. Lichtenberg

  3. The Everything Fundraising Book : Create a Strategy, Plan Events, Increase Visibility, and Raise the Money You Need

    Richard Mintzer, Sam Friedman

  4. Stop Smoking : Proven Steps and Strategies to Make You Quit Smoking for Good

    Joe Long

  5. each Your Expertise Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle : Teaching Online and Coaching Effect

    Jerry Pabot, Shannon Fisher

  6. What If...? Vol 1: The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been

  7. Burnout to Breakthrough : Motivating Employees with Leadership Tools That Work

    Ina Catrinescu

  8. The Angel of Thought and Other Poems : Impressions from Old Masters

    Ethel Allen Murphy

  9. Conscious Coaching : The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Own Coaching Business, Discover the Proven Strategies And Tips on How to Make Money With Your Own Coaching Business

    Walker Boone

  10. The 4 Season Solution: A Groundbreaking Plan to Fight Burnout and Tap into Optimal Health

    Dallas Hartwig

  11. The New Century Standard Letter-Writer : Business, Family and Social Correspondence, Love-Letters, Etiquette, Synonyms, Legal Forms, Etc

    Alfred B. Chambers

  12. Coaching Effect : The Ultimate Guide on How to Earn Money as a Personal Coach, Discover Proven Strategies on How to Earn Massive Profits as a Personal Coach

    Shannon Fisher
