
When We Were Infinite

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All Beth wants is for her tight-knit circle of friendsā€”Grace Nakamura, Brandon Lin, Sunny Chen, and Jason Tsouā€”to stay together. With her family splintered and her future a question mark, these friends are all she hasā€”even if she sometimes

wonders if she truly fits in with them. Besides, sheā€™s certain sheā€™ll never be able to tell Jason how she really feels about him, so friendship will have to be enough.

Then Beth witnesses a private act of violence in Jasonā€™s home, and the whole group is shaken. Beth and her friends make a pact to do whatever it takes to protect Jason, no matter the sacrifice. But when even their fierce loyalty isnā€™t

enough to stop Jason from making a life-altering choice, Beth must decide how far sheā€™s willing to go for himā€”and how much of herself sheā€™s willing to give up.

From multiple-award-winner Kelly Loy Gilbert comes this powerful, achingly romantic drama about the secrets we keep, from each other and from ourselves.

Verteller: Jaine Ye