An Alice Bergman Novel

A vigilante killer lurks in the shadows of Paris. Nine victims have met their fate, and the killer hasnā€™t left a trace. After working the case for 10 months, the French police still have no leads. And now theyā€™re counting on me. Iā€™m Detective Alice Bergman, and itā€™s my job to close this case using my ā€œspecialā€ ability. But Iā€™ve already hit a snag. Nothing happened when I touched the body! Why didnā€™t it work, and what does it mean? Now, I must catch this killer the old-fashioned way. Unfortunately, things just keep getting worse. Not only has another body turned up, but my Shadow Priest nemesis has returned. How did he know Iā€™m here and vulnerable right now? With time running out, can I find a clue or pattern to stop this killer, or will I become the next victim? The Chrono Slasher is the third book in the Alice Bergman mystery thriller series. If you like fast-paced, suspenseful stories with a supernatural flair, then youā€™ll love Daniel Kuhnleyā€™s captivating novel. Buy The Chrono Slasher and unwind the mystery today!