Cowboy Brothers in Arms

Even a real-life hero needs a little healing sometimesā€¦ Air Force test pilot Blue Donnelly has the greatest job in the worldā€¦until his F-22 crashes during a demonstration flight, leaving him with a busted body and a ton of guilt. Then horse whisperer Marin Galloway walks into his hospital room, snapping him out of self-pity with a shock of desire and some surprising news: her six-year-old ward thinks Blue is his daddy. Leo isnā€™t really Blueā€™s son, much as the little boy wishes it. Still, he needs a father figure, and Blue is willing to helpā€¦at least until itā€™s time to report for duty. The longer Blue spends getting closer and closer to Marin and to Leo on his familyā€™s sprawling Texas ranch, the more he questions his need to return to the sky. But when a secret is revealed, leaving his entire future uncertain, Blue must decide who he is outside the cockpitā€”and whether his new dream is big enough for two co-pilots. Can't get enough of the Cowboy Brothers in Arms series? Book 1: Heart Like a Cowboy Book 2: Always a Maverick Book 3: Cowboying Up - September 2024