Friends of Gaynor Beach Animal Rescue

Colin Being rejected by family hurt like hell, but I kept my head high, left my toxic relatives behind, and moved across the country to Gaynor Beach, CA. Luckily, I have great furry company. My French bulldog puppy, Widget, was dumped on me for not meeting my parents' ridiculously high standards either, so we're comforting each other. With a nice rental house and a new job, Widget and I were ready for a fresh startā€”until I got a devastating diagnosis. I can't take care of Widget properly while trying to save my own life, and I expect a long, hard road. I'll have to break both our hearts and put her up for adoption, for her sake. Right? James Iā€™ve wanted a pet forever, but my family circumstances didnā€™t allow it. Now Iā€™m away from my masses of relatives and on my own, and Iā€™m ready to take on a furry companion. My friend, a guy who never says no to an animal in need, introduces me to Colin and his beautiful puppy Widget. Iā€™m horrified Colin feels he needs to give her up just because he's sick, but Iā€™m happy to take Widget as a temporary foster. Iā€™m also happy to offer support to the new guy in town who is so very alone during a time of crisis. Helping someone in need comes naturally to me. But what if that temporary help turns into me wanting a forever relationship? This is a gay romance slow-burn novel about new beginnings, found family, unconditional love, and a puppy named Widget. This middle-angst story has a guaranteed happily ever after.