High Tea

The No More Bad Dates Pact: stop dating the wrong guys and start dating the right ones ā€“ weirdos and jerks need not apply. Every part of my life is a messā€”and not even a hot one. My so-called career is on hold, I keep disappointing my family by not doing ā€œsomething importantā€ with my life, and I always, always choose the wrong guys. When I get dumped during the romantic vows at a wedding, I hit rock bottom. Itā€™s time I got serious about finding a decent man. So, I form a dating pact with two friends who are just as bad at choosing men as me. We agree to vet one anotherā€™s dates to weed out the weirdos and jerks.The No More Bad Dates pact is officially born. But when my roommate surprises me by joining the pact, he finds something wrong with every single guy I meet. Jason Christie is confident, sexy, and good looking in a movie star kind of way. Sure, weā€™re good friends, but heā€™s only ever been Jason, the serial dater. Totally off limits. That is until I start to have feelings for him. Feelings I should definitely not be having. Feelings like wondering what itā€™d be like to kiss him. No. I canā€™t go there. Not only will it destroy our friendship, but I know heā€™ll break my heart. Only now Iā€™ve begun to fall, I donā€™t know how to stop.