Murder In Style

Jenna McGovern, the newest resident of Blueberry Lake, is finding it hard to escape her past. When a movie production begins filming on Main Street, sheā€™s more than a little disgruntled to discover her ex-boyfriend is the producer. But sheā€™s even more disgruntled to find heā€™s the primary suspect in an attempted murder case. Jennaā€™s got a host of other problems to worry about, like making her first trip to the Mall of America and getting her grandmotherā€™s derelict greenhouse up and running, but when her ex-boyfriend begs her for help, she canā€™t seem to stay away from the case. After all, thereā€™s a murderer running loose in Blueberry Lake, and if Jenna doesnā€™t call cut fast enough, she could be next.