Net Force Series

A NEW BATTLE IS BREWINGā€”ONE THAT WILL SOON RAGE ACROSS ALL POLITICAL AND GEOGRAPHIC LINES. As this new threat escalates, the US president calls on the members of Net Force to prevent global chaos. In Paris, the leader of a new political movement has gone into hiding, pursued by a relentless group of bioenhanced assassins. Seeking to rescue him in the mysterious catacombs beneath the city is one of Net Forceā€™s own, Kali Alcazar, who has become a hunted fugitive herself. Halfway across Europe, meanwhile, her friends are about to strike at the heavily armed fortress of the worldā€™s most dangerous hackerā€¦and he's prepared a deadly trap for them. ā€œJerome Preisler takes us deep into the dark side of the web.ā€ ā€”Jim DeFelice on Net Force: Attack Protocol ā€œA tightly woven, expertly crafted story with a finger on the pulse of the overwhelmingly clear and present danger of cyberterrorism.ā€ ā€”Marc Cameron on Net Force: Dark Web