Party Ever After

There are three guaranteed ways to ruin a perfectly unstable marriage: 1. Tell your beautiful new bride sheā€™s the devil. 2. Tie one on, and donā€™t come home. 3. Oh, and letā€™s not forget, uncover family secrets that rock both of your worlds. I really need a rewind because now my temporary wife is pissed as hell and wants a quickie divorce. Wooing her is my plan. Sending flowers, writing love notes, and even serenading her are some of the sure-fire methods Iā€™ve learned from watching her favorite romantic comedies. In all of those films, one grand gesture leads to the woman falling at her manā€™s feet, cueing sappy music and epic make-up sex. Too bad my girl isnā€™t following the script. Short of riding in on a white horse, Iā€™m at a loss of how to win her back. Unlessā€¦ Every girl dreams of a Prince Charming, right? Well, I can redefine myself, and turn this party boy into one. She insists itā€™s impossible. I disagree.