Patterson's Bluff

Cora Cabotā€™s life is falling apart. So when her Australian friend announces sheā€™s secured an internship in the States, Cora has a brilliant idea: house swap! Small-town Australia sounds like the perfect getaway. Only, when she gets there, the house isnā€™t empty. It turns out her friendā€™s hot Australian brother is staying there too-and he doesnā€™t look happy to see her. The last thing Trent Walters needs is a roommate for the summerā€”especially an American who immediately floods the house and single-handedly destroys the family project his sister created for their parentsā€™ anniversary. Now, not only is she insisting on helping fix the house, sheā€™s also helping re-create the family scrapbook. And glitter is not his forte. But between late nights cooking, pints at the local pub, and competitive matches of cricket on the beach, Cora starts to break through Trentā€™s defenses. Itā€™s too bad she made a promise to return to working with her father at the end of the summer-a promise she canā€™t break-because this holiday is starting to feel like one she never wants to end.