Ronan Boyle

Detective Ronan Boyleā€™s To-Do List ā€¢ Fight the Leprechaun Navy on their own turf ā€¢ Deliver Crom Cruach, undead bog man, to Raghall, King of the Leprechauns ā€¢ Reorder dog diapers (XL) ā€¢ Follow Seamus McSheehy, Earthā€™s finest living dancer, into the Strangeplace and stop his evil scheme to become a god of Irish dance (time permitting) ā€¢ DO NOT FALL IN LOVE with Captain de Valera, despite her vibe, self-confidence, and cool new haircut ā€¢ PROVE PARENTSā€™ INNOCENCE, STOP LORD DESMOND DOOLEY, FIND A DECENT PLACE FOR LUNCH WITH VEGETARIAN OPTIONS (not in that exact order) ā€¢ Get new shillelagh and beret for ā€œhot leprechaun summerā€ ā€¢ Pay down the 7803 euros in fees owed to the Special Unit of Tir na Nog ā€¢ Maybe DO profess love to Captain de Valera? Noā€”bury that down deep andlater write a sad series of plays about it ā€¢ Rescue PIERRE THE FAR DARRIG! (If heā€™s even still alive?!)