Sam the Man

Sam Graham is a mystery man. But when there are no mysteries to solve, Sam comes up with a plan to find one in this hilarious fourth chapter book in the Sam the Man series from Frances Oā€™Roark Dowell. Sam Graham loves solving mysteries. After successfully solving the mystery of Annabelleā€™s lost sock, Sam decides to make mystery-solving his main hobby (after tending the chickens, of course). He recruits his best friend Gavin and a couple of their classmates for a detective club, and together theyā€™re ready for any mystery that comes their way. Thereā€™s a problem thoughā€¦there are no cases to solve! So, Sam comes up with a plan: Theyā€™ll take the most interesting things in the lost and found and try to find out who lost what. But who could a locked box, a very long stuffed snake, and a red jacket belong to? And how will Sam and his friends find them? Andā€¦why does that jacket smell so bad?!?