Second Chance Mate Series

ā€œIā€™m sorry Quinn, but I; Jeovanni Lum rejects you; Quinn Felon as my mate. Youā€™re no longer Luna of this pack, nor are you my fated mate. Accept my rejection.ā€ His words awakened the pain within Quinn, and she fell to her knees, crying out when it became too much to bearā€¦she didnā€™t want to, but if she didnā€™t accept his rejection, sheā€™d die. ā€œIā€¦I Quinn Felon a-accepts your rejectionā€¦I am no longer Luna, nor am I your fated mate.ā€ It was hard to say the words because these words were never ones she thought sheā€™d ever have to sayā€¦ Quinn Felon was at the very pique of happiness when her life started to crumble apart. Her mate whom she had spent three long and blissful years with suddenly didnā€™t seem to love her anymore. He became distant and cold, and soon Quinn found the reason behind his changeā€¦it was because he was courting her sisterā€¦her sweet and innocent omega sister; Delilah. She had predicted that heā€™d choose Delilah, but what she hadnā€™t foretold was being rejected and banished in front of the whole pack in the middle of her mateā€™s and her sisterā€™s mating ceremony. Book 2 of the series- a happy ending.