Shadows of Obsession

HAILEY One man. Two names. Two personalities. One captivates, the other terrifies. Under the pretense of love, he used me, searching for secrets I didn't know I had. Cuddles, kisses, and whispered sweet nothings lulled me into a false sense of security that shattered with a single flashback. Running from the threat I now know he is, I fall straight into a nightmareā€¦ and the darkness reveals the truths. Iā€™m not the center of Nashā€™s world. Iā€™m a piece in Carterā€™s game. CARTER Thereā€™s no beauty in this chaos. Thereā€™s only pain. Hailey Scarlett Vaughn vanished without a trace, leaving me teetering on the edge of sanity. She was my mission and became my obsession. My sweet downfall. And now sheā€™s gone. As the threats multiply and enemies close in to exploit the prize in Haileyā€™s mind, I carve a path of destruction, desperate to keep her safe. But itā€™s not until I find her that I understand sheā€™s no longer mineā€¦ I broke her with my lies. Saving Hailey is not a standalone. You must read Breaking Hailey first. Tropes include: dark academia, amnesia, age gap, mafia, plot & spice heavy, enemies to lovers, OTT morally grey MMC, she's a cop's daughter.