
Serie ā€¢ 3 boeken

How do I prove a negative? I need to prove Jane is innocent, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Mirrors, smoke, and lies can conjure a truth that isnā€™t real. Money, bribes, and power can twist reality. What we call proof is all an elaborate magic act. So is love. How do you prove youā€™re in love? How can you know with unrelenting certainty that the person you canā€™t live without really loves you? Itā€™s all about what you believe. Who you believe. And I believe Jane. I love her. But it might be too late. Or, worse ā€“ it might all be an illusion. If proof is just a magicianā€™s sleight of hand, then weā€™re caught in a sick trick. A deadly one. One that doesnā€™t end with applause. But with a bang.