Boekenseries • 5 boeken

This short story is taken from Want to Be with You : Longing.

Daniel goes with his mother and her friend Anita to a dance at a community center.

He feels a little lonely at the dance, but is soon courted by a woman his mother’s age. And this woman is rogue and plans to have sex with him out in the woods

In a place in the forest, she has hidden a bottle of liquor, which she now wants to share with him. She thinks, if he gets a little alcohol in his body, he will be hot on the porridge.

But Daniel doesn’t want her alcohol or sex with her.

He shows his disinterest and when he says he’s gay, she gets turned off and leaves him alone in the woods.

He becomes depressed, drinks, and empties the liquor bottle she left behind. He gets drunk and passes out.

Soon mother and others are out looking for him.

(For more information and sample reading, see: