Spiritual Dimensions

Boekenseries • 5 boeken

What if we shared planet Earth with other intelligent species?

What if inter-species communication were really possible?

Seek out some answers in Turtle Dolphin Dreams

Raves for Turtle Dolphin Dreams

"A pearl is a small thing, and yet it is as precious as any jewel. So is this little book."

--Robert Rich, Ph.D.

"Turtle Dolphin Dreams is a wonderful little book. Not since Gibran's The Prophet or Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull has a book come along so inviting, refreshing, and relevant."

--James Clifton, Ph.D.

"Turtle Dolphin Dreams is lovely! ...somehow this strange book hangs together and holds the reader's attention. Very inspirational indeed."

--Susan M. Phillips, Spiralthreads Reviews