Tearmoon Empire

"After saving the King of Sunkland, reuniting the thirteen clans of the Equestrian Kingdom, and defeating the High Priestess of the Chaos Serpents, Mia has finally returned to Saint-Noel for some much-needed respite...until thatā€™s interrupted by two girls magically appearing before her. If Bel wasnā€™t enough, Mia must now also care for the mysterious Patricia. Just where did she come from? Bel doesnā€™t seem to know, and the only clue they have is her last name: Clausius. As Mia tries to dig into the girlā€™s past, she discovers a terrifying truth. Patriciaā€™s education has been raising her into a Chaos Serpent! To keep this under wraps, Mia resolves to tell her a minor fibā€”she isnā€™t Princess Mia Luna Tearmoon, but a teacher sent by the Serpents. Mia uses this pretense to raise the girl right, and somehow, it works! But as smiles begin to return to Patriciaā€™s lips, the case of a stolen sacramental item throws her morals into question... "