Thanks a Lot, Universe

ā€œYou and Brian seem really close. Just wondering if youā€™re, like, together.ā€ ā€œLike a couple? No. But heā€™s my best friend. I care about him a lot.ā€ ā€œI know.ā€ Brian knows that anxiety and depression arenā€™t magically fixed overnight, but he still doesnā€™t understand why itā€™s all hitting him so hard right now. Sure, his dad is in prison and middle school is stressful, but heā€™s seeing a therapist, heā€™s got good friends, and heā€™s doing really well on the basketball team. He should be fine, so why does he feel too tired to get out of bed some days? And why does he turn into ā€œCursed Monster Brianā€ and snap whenever someone asks him whatā€™s wrong? Ezra is trying his best to look out for Brian, but heā€™s not sure that heā€™s actually helping. Sure, theyā€™re still best friends, but as Ezra prepares for the talent show, he also starts talking with Victorā€”the kid who relentlessly bullied Brian last year. It seems like Victorā€™s changed, and whenever he and Ezra hang out, Ezraā€™s stomach feels a little bit swoopy. But even if he likes making music with Victor, it feels like heā€™s betraying his best friend. And he worries that heā€™s falling for another boy who wonā€™t return his feelings ā€¦ As the talent show approaches and things begin to spin out of control, Brian and Ezra will have to figure out how to be there for each otherā€”even when it feels like everything around them is changing.