Triggerman Inc.

Hammer wonā€™t rest until he finds the woman who betrayed the teamā€”who betrayed him. From the beginning, he hadnā€™t welcomed his feelings for the supposed nurse. After what she did to the team, he feels both foolish and angry, falling for a pretty face. The need for revenge is all consumingā€”heā€™s not known as the Destroyer for nothing. But with so much danger on the horizon, his sexy prey will have to wait. The conspiracy behind a baby found on his friendā€™s doorstep is narrowing, and answers are coming fast and furious. Assassins have targeted Hammer and the organization he works for, and no one is safe. To Hammerā€™s shock, at the center of it all is the woman he canā€™t stop thinking about. But can he trust her when itā€™s more than just his love and life on the line?