Villains and Virtues

Their destinies are irrevocably entangled, but will their bond be the realmā€™s undoing? Damien and Amma have landed themselves in the midst of Yvlcon, the preeminent congregation of the vilest and most unscrupulous villains in existence. Once again amongst his peers, Damienā€™s moral growth is threatened just when heā€™s learning to be slightly less evil. Consequently, Amma finds her own virtue in peril when faced with so much temptation, namely in the form of a domineering blood mage she canā€™tā€”or doesnā€™t wantā€”to say no to. But a burgeoning romance is doused in the coldest of baths when the Grand Order of Dread commands Damien to once again face the swirling vortex of entropy thatā€™s been hunting them all over the realm. The coming eclipse points to devastation and destruction, and there seems to be no avoiding annihilation, prophecy being, well, prophecy, after all. But thereā€™s an entire fortnight before the world is supposed to end, and surely thatā€™s enough time to find some way around it, or to at least confess oneā€™s devotion to the other before it all burns down around them.