Wakeman Grimoire

Doing a family favour before a wedding is nerve-wracking at the best of times, clearing out the haunted venue is a nightmare. Hecateā€™s social life is looking up. Her sister is getting married, the new brother-in-law-to-be is a really good guy, and his family is helping Hecate fill in the gaps of her knowledge of what the hell she is. Her grandfatherā€™s ghost is convinced that she needs to become a ghost hunter in her family tradition. She has attempted to tell him that her way is more appropriate, but it is hard to get a new idea into the minds of the deceased. When her grandfatherā€™s assistant arrives, Hecate is in for a shock. Not only is he pale as marble, but he is also as solid as the stone as well. She doesnā€™t have time to deal with the new arrival. Her sisterā€™s wedding venue has had a disaster strike, and the search is on for a new one. Hecate goes with them when they locate a prospective replacement. There is only one problem. It is the most haunted building in the province. Itā€™s a good thing that Hecate has cleared her calendar for the week before the event. She has some work to do.