

audiobook & e-book

Published in 1948, this cautionary tale follows a lone protagonist who struggles under the rule of a repressive totalitarian government. Set in a future version of England, called Airstrip One, the novel is famous for its imagined language that conjures a cruelly cynical authoritarian regime. One of the most popular novels in the English language, it is part political thriller and part science fiction, and it established the word Orwellian to describe official deception, unwarranted surveillance, and revisionist history by the state.

Narrator: Peter Noble


59 ratings



It was surely a bit ahead of it’s time at release and it presents many interesting ideas, but it does so in a predictable, uneventfull story lacking any sense of suspense. Worth the read if you want to ponder the deeper meaning of concepts like «truth», «history» and «power», but not if you’re looking for an entertaining or engaging story.