
365 Quotes of Wisdom


Shocking Statistics: An Average American Reads 1 Book a Year and 50% of those are Romance Novelsā€¦

Look! I do not know who you are but I am sure you are on this page right now because you are someone who wants more. You are someone who do not settle for average. You see, I totally understand the desire to want to learn and yet dread reading a long and thick book at the same time! That is why we created this bookā€¦

More about this book:

Would you rather learn a 30 years lesson from other peopleā€™s life or live 30 years to learn that lesson?

Think about it.

What I am essentially asking you isā€¦ Why not learn from other peopleā€™s failures, successes and life experiences?

It was Socrates, one of the greatest Greek philosopher who said thatā€¦

ā€œTrue Wisdom Comes to Each of Us When We Realize How Little We Understand About Life, Ourselves and The World Around Usā€

Isnā€™t it true that we do not need to read a huge chunk of book with so much jargons and technicalities to become wiser, more aware and more peaceful?

That is why this 365 Quotes of Wisdom book is so Important.

I do not know you personally. And that is the same for all of my readers. However, there is one thing which I know for sure. Every single quote will mean something different to everyone of us. Each quote will be significant in unique ways in accordance to our lifeā€™s contexts and experiences.

That is the Beauty of Quotes.

Short, simple and powerful.

I hope and believe you have enjoyed this really short introduction to this book. Read the quotes, use them, exploit them and make them your friends.

Act Now by Clicking the ā€œBuy Now With 1-Clickā€ Button at the Top of This Page Right Now!

P.S. Hereā€™s another shocking statistic: ā€œ50% of American adults canā€™t read a book written at an eighth grade level.ā€

P.P.S. I absolutely know that these statistics arenā€™t you. Act Now by Clicking the ā€œBuy Now With 1-Clickā€ Button at the Top of This Page Right Now!