
A History of the Roman Empire: From its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius (27 B.C. – 180 A.D.)


This extraordinary work on Roman history by J.B. Bury covers the period of more than 200 years from the time of Julius Caesar until the end of Marcus Aurelius' reign. Through the 30 chapters of this book, readers will gain a complete insight into the political history of the golden age of the Roman Empire.


From the Battle of Actium to the Foundation of the Principate

The Principate

The Joint Government of the Princeps and Senate

The Family of Augustus and His Plans to Found a Dynasty

Administration of Augustus in Rome and Italy — Organisation of the Army

Provincial Administration Under Augustus — the Western Provinces

Provincial Administration Under Augustus — the Eastern Provinces and Egypt

Rome and Parthia — Expeditions to Arabia and Ethiopia

The Winning and Losing of Germany — Death of Augustus

Rome Under Augustus — His Buildings

Literature of the Augustan Age

The Principate of Tiberius (14-37 A.D.)

The Principate of Gaius (Caligula) (37-41 A.D.)

The Principate of Claudius (41-54 A.D.)

The Conquest of Britain

The Principate of Nero (54-68 A.D.)

The Wars for Armenia, Under Claudius and Nero

The Principate of Galba, and the Year of the Four Emperors (68-69 A.D.)

Rebellions in Germany and Judea

The Flavian Emperors — Vespasian, Titus and Domitian (69-96 A.D.)

Britain and Germany Under the Flavians — Dacian War

Nerva and Trajan — the Conquest of Dacia

Literature From the Death of Tiberius to Trajan

The Principate of Hadrian (117-138 A.D.)

The Principate of Antoninus Pius (138-161 A.D.)

The Principate of Marcus Aurelius (161-180 A.D.)

Literature Under Hadrian and the Antonines

The Roman World Under the Empire — Politics, Philosophy, Religion and Art

Roman Life and Manners