Bambi by Felix Salten is a profound and touching story that transcends its simple narrative of a young deer's life in the forest. The novel is far more complex and emotional than many of its adaptations. The story follows Bambi, a roe deer, from his birth through his early life experiences in the forest. As a fawn, he is cared for by his gentle mother and quickly learns about the joys and dangers of forest life. Bambi befriends other animals, such as Thumper the rabbit and Flower the skunk, and they share adventures and playful moments together. As Bambi grows older, he becomes more independent and assumes the role of the prince of the forest, a position held by his father. Through various experiences, including love and loss, he gains wisdom about life, survival, and the natural world.
Felix Salten
audiobookB. J. Harrison Reads Bambi
Felix Salten
Felix Salten
bookThe City Jungle
Felix Salten
bookBambi's Children: The Story of a Forest Family
Felix Salten
bookA Forest World
Felix Salten
bookBambi : A Life in the Woods
Felix Salten
bookJosefine Mutzenbacher Hörbuch
Felix Salten
audiobookBambis Kinder
Felix Salten
audiobookbookBambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde
Felix Salten
audiobookbookDie schönsten Kinderhörbuch-Klassiker: Biene Maja, Doktor Dolittle, Peterchens Mondfahrt, Bambi & Co.
Gerdt von Bassewitz, Waldemar Bonsels, Hugh Lofting, Luigi Bertelli, Felix Salten, div.
audiobookDie beliebtesten Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für kleine Träumer : Däumelinchen, Rothkäppchen, Das hässliche Entlein, Rapunzel, Die zwölf Brüder, Dornröschen, Schneewittchen, Die drei Schweinchen, Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse
Hans Christian Andersen, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Beatrix Potter, Selma Lagerlöf, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Ludwig Tieck, Thomas Crofton Croker, Anton Dietrich, Clemens Brentano, Josef Wenzig, Karl Albrecht Heise, Richard Wilhelm, Gustav Weil, Wilhelm Ruland, Wilhelm Hauff, Benedikte Naubert, Carl Einstein, Alois Essigmann, Luise Büchner, Gerdt von Bassewitz, Lothar Meggendorfer, Oscar Wilde, Ludwig Bechstein, Heinrich Pröhle, Heinrich Seidel, Richard von Volkmann, Waldemar Bonsels, Felix Salten, Rudyard Kipling, E.T.A. Hoffman, Wilhelm Busch, Carlo Collodi, Hermann Löns, Elsbeth Montzheimer, Walter Scott, Rosalie Koch, Julius Wolff