
Can't Help Falling In Love


Hunter Jones never thought that shared custody would be part of his life, but itā€™s the only way to make sure his son still has both parents in his life. But when his exā€™s increasing unpredictability leads to a missed daycare pick up, heā€™s not so sure shared custody is the best option anymore. Never mind that heā€™s now the one being accused of bad parenting by a total stranger.Violet Drake has zero patience for poor parenting. Thereā€™s nothing that angers her more than seeing parents behave in the same irresponsible way her own parents did throughout her childhood. But after going off on a perfect stranger late to pick up his son, her conscience gets the best of her and she realizes she may have been a little harsh.Violet is only supposed to be in Magnolia Sound for a short time to help out her best friend, so getting involved with a single dad is the absolute last thing she should be doing.Their timing is all kinds of wrong, but sometimes you just canā€™t help yourself.

Narrator: Carly Robins