
Demon Marked


Life has taught me one very important lesson:

. . . other people SUCK!

I just spent my 21st birthday in a coma with a head injury, while my now-EX-boyfriend Adam used it as an opportunity to start dating my backstabbing now-EX-roommate.

And ever since the accident, weird things have been happening . . .

Enter the gorgeous Carter Blackā€”tall and clean-shaven, with mysterious dark brown eyes that make my inner goddess shiver in anticipation.

Oh yeah, did I mention heā€™s a VAMPIRE? But hey, nobodyā€™s perfect.

He claims he can help me figure out what is going on with meā€”insists I need his protection from evil things that go bump in the night.

Iā€™m a survivor, but Iā€™ll admit, this DEMON crap is starting to scare me.

But no matter how much Carter has me thinking naughty thoughts . . .

Something tells me there is more to him than meets the eye

Iā€™ve been down this road before with hot guys, and I wonā€™t make the same mistake again.

Now Iā€™ll just have to figure out how to STAY ALIVE without his help . . .