


At thirty-five, Gina Bourque is still playing the field. If heā€™s single, in his early twenties with dark hair and brooding eyes, thereā€™s a damn good chance youā€™ll find him in her little black book.

Jeffrey Ryan never imagined that at nearly forty heā€™d find himself widowed and a single dad. But here he isā€”stumbling through this thing called life with two impressionable daughters watching his every move.

When Gina and Jeffrey meet while cruising the Caribbean, sparks flyā€”but not in a good way. Heā€™s too old. Too blond. Too stiff. Yet sheā€™s still drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Sheā€™s too vulgar. Too sassy. Too wild. But she ignites something inside of him he canā€™t ignore.

We all know what happens when you play with fire...someoneā€™s bound to get burned.

Narrator: Virginia Rose