
Emotional Growth : Spiritual Development Vol 2


Ask yourself the following:

•Do you tend to make snap judgments about others and jump to conclusions?

•Do you blame people for the experiences you have?

•Have you noticed how people radiate their strong emotions and wondered if you do the same?

If so, then this book is for you.

Elsabe explains how our emotions cloud our judgement and get us into trouble.

Emotional Growth: Spiritual Development Vol 2” is not about blame or guilt, or

other time-wasting uses of energy. The book is about explaining how we can manage and use

our emotions in our favour. Imagine being in charge of every situation because you are in a

space of calmness and in control.

Yes, life is a challenge. That is what we are here for. We can allow our emotions to run away with us

and make situations worse, or we can understand how emotions work and use them in our favour.

Elsabe is a well-known psychic, author and coach. She has a unique view on life based on

information she channelled through psychic readings and dreams.

Elsabe then applied that information to her own life and gained more wisdom.

This book is one in a series of books where she shares her wisdom in a simple, effective way by allowing her readers to share her journey.

Narrator: Elsabe Smit
