From the author of The Glass Castle and Hang the Moon—“Walls vividly depicts her astonishing, resilient grandmother with a lightness of touch that is plainspoken yet heartfelt” (Chicago Tribune). Half Broke Horses has transfixed readers everywhere.
“Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did.” So begins the story of Lily Casey Smith, Jeannette Walls’s no-nonsense, resourceful, and spectacularly compelling grandmother. By age six, Lily was helping her father break horses. At fifteen, she left home to teach in a frontier town—riding five hundred miles on her pony, alone, to get to her job. She learned to drive a car and fly a plane. And, with her husband, Jim, she ran a vast ranch in Arizona. She raised two children, one who is Jeannette’s memorable mother, Rosemary Smith Walls, unforgettably portrayed in The Glass Castle.
Lily survived tornadoes, droughts, floods, the Great Depression, and the most heartbreaking personal tragedy. She bristled at prejudice of all kinds—against women, Native Americans, and anyone else who didn’t fit the mold. Rosemary Smith Walls always told Jeannette that she was like her grandmother, and in this true-life novel, Jeannette Walls channels that kindred spirit. Half Broke Horses is Laura Ingalls Wilder for adults, as riveting and dramatic as Isak Dinesen’s Out of Africa or Beryl Markham’s West with the Night. Destined to become a classic, it will transfix readers everywhere.
Inspirerende og interessant historie basert på forfatterens bestemors liv på morssiden, Lily Casey Smith. Lily levde det livet hun drømte om, til tross for mange motganger. Støttet av foreldre som var uutdannede, men livskloke. Boken er et flott bakteppe til hendelsene i "Glasslottet", da den viser hvilke verdier Jeannettes mor, Rose, tok med seg hjemmefra, og hvordan hennes mor, Lily, påvirket henne. Lily var fryktløs, kompromissløs, ressurssterk, opprørsk – og brydde seg ikke om hva andre tenkte. Anbefales, for denne boken inneholder mye varme og livsvisdom formidlet på en uanstrengt måte. Det er ingen kjedelige øyeblikk i boken, selv om det er et "vanlig" liv :)
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