Whether increasing life expectancy leads to better health remains still controversial. Three topics are explored: (1) vanguard groups which inform about possible levels of health if the general social and environmental conditions were to approach those of the vanguard group; (2) the social and behavioral determinants of health differentiated into proximal and distal factors; (3) vulnerable groups such as migrants and the health differences between migrant groups. Newly available population-based data as well as new study designs and advanced statistical modelling form the basis for the empirical analyses.
Vorausberechnung von Verwandtschaft : Wie sich die gemeinsame Lebenszeit von Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern zukünftig entwickelt
Christian Dudel
bookHealth Among the Elderly in Germany : New Evidence on Disease, Disability and Care Need
bookMittendrin? : Lebenspläne und Potenziale älterer Menschen beim Übergang in den Ruhestand
bookFamilienleitbilder in Deutschland : Kulturelle Vorstellungen zu Partnerschaft, Elternschaft und Familienleben
bookUnerfüllte Kinderwünsche und Reproduktionsmedizin : Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse von Paaren in Kinderwunschbehandlung
Jasmin Passet-Wittig
bookManaging Expatriates : Success Factors in Private and Public Domains
bookMigration and Refugee Policies in Germany : New European Limits of Control?
Andreas Ette
bookPendelmobilität und Familiengründung : Zum Zusammenhang von berufsbedingtem Pendeln und dem Übergang zum ersten Kind
Thomas Skora
bookGrenzgänge zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Ruhestand : Prozesse der Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung älterer Menschen
Volker Cihlar, Laura Konzelmann, Andreas Mergenthaler, Frank Micheel, Norbert F. Schneider
bookDie Geburt des dritten Kindes : Einflussfaktoren des Übergangs zum dritten Kind in Westdeutschland, Frankreich, Bulgarien und Ungarn
Ralina Panova
bookKulturelle Vielfalt der öffentlichen Verwaltung : Repräsentation, Wahrnehmung und Konsequenzen von Diversität
bookStatus and Ethnic Identity : A Study on First- and Second-Generation Migrants in Germany
Andreas Genoni
Life Is a Series of Presentations: 8 Ways to Punch Up Your People Skills at Work, at Home, Anytime, Anywhere
Tony Jeary
bookRise Up : Confronting a Country at the Crossroads
Al Sharpton
audiobookSecond Wind : Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper, and More Connected Life
Dr. Bill Thomas
bookThe Immigrant Advantage : What We Can Learn from Newcomers to America about Health, Happiness and Hope
Claudia Kolker
bookTo Hell on a Fast Horse
Mark Lee Gardner
audiobookMaster Your Mind : Powerful Techniques to Unlock The Secret of Positive Thinking, Transform Your Habits, and Develop The Mindset of a Winner.
Noah Martinez Brown
audiobookWhat Every BODY is Saying : An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People
Joe Navarro, Marvin Karlins
Dr. Dan Builfford
bookSilva Mind Control Method : The Revolutionary Program by the Founder of the World's Most Famous Mind Control Course
José Silva, Philip Miele
audiobookThe 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene
audiobookI LIVE And have defeatedall darkness and hell
Monica Ek
Todd Sandler