Das vorliegende Buch eröffnet einen erstaunlichen Zugang zu einem faszinierenden Bereich unserer Kultur- und Medizingeschichte: zur Heilkunst der Hexen, der verbotenen, geächteten, staatlich und kirchlich unterdrückten "alternativen" Medizin. Hexenmedizin ist wilde Medizin, sie ist unkontrollierbar und entzieht sich der herrschenden Ordnung. Sie macht Angst, denn sie entscheidet über Leben und Tod. Hexenmedizin ist Kult - schamanischer Heilkult um heilige, das heisst wirkungsvolle Pflanzen. Sie macht mehr als nur gesund: sie bringt Lust und Erkenntnis, Rausch und mystische Einsicht. Die Autoren nehmen uns auf eine Erkundungsreise mit, die zum Ursprung der Heilkunst, durch die antike Mythologie zur kirchenamtlich bestätigten Heilerin der Menschheit und von dort weiter zur Verkörperung der Sinnlichkeit und schliesslich zur Giftmischerin und Heilerin führt. Das Buch öffnet die Tür zum verdrängten, unterdrückten Wissen der Hexenmedizin und zeigt Wege, wie die heiligen Pflanzen unserer Ahnen wieder genutzt werden können.
Hexenmedizin : Die Wiederentdeckung einer verbotenen Heilkunst - schamanische Tradition in Europa
- 555 pages
Hanf als Heilmittel : Ethnomedizin, Anwendungen und Rezepte
Christian Rätsch
bookHexenmedizin : Die Wiederentdeckung einer verbotenen Heilkunst - schamanische Tradition in Europa
Christian Rätsch, Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Wolf-Dieter Storl
bookZauberpflanze Alraune : Die Magische Mandragora: Aphrodisiakum - Liebesapfel - Galgenmännlein
Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Christian Rätsch
bookVom Forscher, der auszog, das Zaubern zu lernen : Meine Erlebnisse bei den Erben der Maya
Christian Rätsch
- 4 books
Christian Rätsch
Christian Rätsch, Ph.D. (1957 – 2022), was a world-renowned anthropologist and ethnopharmacologist who specialized in the shamanic uses of plants for spiritual as well as medicinal purposes. He studied Mesoamerican languages and cultures and anthropology at the University of Hamburg and spent, altogether, three years of fieldwork among the Lacandone Indians in Chiapas, Mexico, being the only European fluent in their language. He then received a fellowship from the German academic service for foreign research, the Deutsche Akademische Auslandsdienst (DAAD), to realize his doctoral thesis on healing spells and incantations of the Lacandone-Maya at the University of Hamburg, Germany. In addition to his work in Mexico, his numerous fieldworks have included research in Thailand, Bali, the Seychelles, as well as a long-term study (18 years) on shamanism in Nepal combined with expeditions to Korea and the Peruvian and Colombian Amazon. He also was a scientific anthropological advisor for expeditions organized by German magazines such as GEO and Spektrum der Wissenschaften (Spectrum of Sciences). Before becoming a full-time author and internationally renowned lecturer, Rätsch worked as professor of anthropology at the University of Bremen and served as consultant advisor for many German museums. Because of his extensive collection of shells, fossils, artifacts, and entheopharmacological items, he had numerous museum expositions on these topics. He is the author of numerous articles and more than 40 books, including Plants of Love, Gateway to Inner Space, Marijuana Medicine, The Dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants, and The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants. He is also coauthor of Plants of the Gods, Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas, Witchcraft Medicine, Pagan Christmas, and The Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs and was editor of the Yearbook of Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness. A former member of the board of advisors of the European College for the Study of Consciousness (ECSC) and former president of the Association of Ethnomedicine, he lived in Hamburg, Germany.
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Claudia Müller-Ebeling
Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Ph.D., is an art historian and anthropologist and coauthor, with Christian Rätsch, of Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas, Witchcraft Medicine, and Pagan Christmas. She lives in Hamburg, Germany.
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Wolf-Dieter Storl
Wolf D. Storl, Ph.D., is a cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist who has taught at Kent State University as well as in Vienna, Berne, and Benares. He is coauthor of Witchcraft Medicine and author of more than 30 books on indigenous culture and ethnobotany in German and several in English. He lives in Germany.
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