With the war on hold, many seamen are left uselessly on dry land. Hornblower is just one of those who are now out of work and concerned about their futures. In his downtime, he gets married out of pity. But things change when he is made Commander in a sloop and is sent off to the Brest blockade as the inevitable war resumes.
Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
C. S. Forester
bookThe Peacemaker
C. S. Forester
bookGreyhound : Den gode herden
C. S. Forester
bookHornblower and the Atropos
C. S. Forester
bookLieutenant Hornblower
C. S. Forester
bookHornblower and the Hotspur
C. S. Forester
bookThe Happy Return
C. S. Forester
bookHand of Destiny
C. S. Forester
bookLord Hornblower
C. S. Forester
bookHornblower and the Atropos
C. S. Forester
bookLieutenant Hornblower
C. S. Forester
bookMr. Midshipman Hornblower
C. S. Forester