
How to Heal and Be Healed - A Guide to Health in Times of Change : Using Subtle Energies to Deal with Mental, Emotional and Physical Illnesses


Using his long and successful experience of working with subtle energies, spiritual healer Paul Lambillion shows how to heal mental emotional and physical illnesses. Explaining the powerful effects of emotions and feelings on physical health, he provides a clear and persuasive framework for healing.

We live in a time of emotional and mental overload, which is approaching crisis proportions. There is a rapid growth in mental and emotional illnesses and a consequent explosion in the use of psychoactive drugs. There are the new energy diseases such as post-viral syndrome, ME, fatigue, exhaustion, intermittent depression and so on. These have no pathological framework to explain them, and there is usually no specific treatment structure for them. They affect young and old.

Throughout the book there are numerous exercises based on such techniques as breathing and visualisation, the use of energy essences, creativity and meditation. There are also many case histories.

This is the perfect healing manual: wise, balanced and practical for our fast-changing times.

How to Heal and Be Healed: Table of Contents


- A Reluctant Healer — A Background


The Healing Man

Feelings and Visions

Breathing Through

A Deepening Consciousness

Thoughts and Fields of Power

X-Ray Vision

Intelligent Energy

Wheels of Fire

The Web of Light

- Ease and Dis-ease

The Human Subtle Anatomy

The Etheric or Energy Self

The Emotional/Astral Body

The Mental Body

The Vitality Stream

The Vortices

The Universal Connection

A Study of Centre Meanings and Correspondence

A View of Causes

The Spiritual Desert

- Healing in the Energy Body

Mary's Story

As Above, So Below — As Within, So Without

Energy Banks

Waves and Radiations

Panic Attacks

Managing Changing Situations

- The Dynamics of Emotional Healing

The Emotional/Astral Body

Emotional Pollution


Spirituality, Vegetables and Flowers

Healing Flowers

The Ray Colours and Emotional Dis-Ease

What Colour?

Identifying Your Emotional Rays

Clearing Patches

Colour Mixes and Ray Dominance

Tears, Rips, Cracks and Cameras

Red Mist — Aura Phenomena

Sequence Prescribing

How Long to Heal?

Ray of Incarnation


A Table of Correspondences

- Mind and Mental Healing

Mind over Matter

Thought Streams

New Thought, Magic, Religion

Honesty and Openness



The Karmic Roll or Cycle

Mental Chakra Connections

Dissolving Patterns

- The Soul, the Spirit and Healing


Meditation and Healing

Synchronicity, Magnetism and the Portcullis Effect

Stages of Meditation

Meditation Practice

The Soul Journey and Relationships

The Higher Circuits

Using the Exercises

Linking with Destiny


The Spirit and the Vortex

Angels, Souls and Healing

The Illusion of Death

A Sleeping Beauty

- Healing for Others

Physical Healing

Healing through Death


The Unlimited Light of Healing

Joe's Story

The Cranium