
Liseys historie


Lisey Landon er enke etter bestselgerforfatteren Scott Landon. Etter hans dĂžd bestemmer Lisey seg for Ă„ rydde opp i arbeidsvĂŠrelset hans. Under opprydningen velter minnene om livet med den geniale, men til tider temmelig sĂŠre Scott frem. Dette er en annerledes King-bok. En mangefasettert og kraftfullt fortalt historie om kreativitetens fruktbarhet, galskapens fristelser og kjĂŠrlighetens hemmelige sprĂ„k. Liseys historie ble kĂ„ret til en av New York Times’ kritikerfavoritter i 2006.

Narrator: Ola Otnes


7 ratings



This might be one of the most beautifully grotesque romantic books I have ever read. Stephen King, the master of the horror genre, once again delivers a masterpiece with 'Lisey's Story.' This novel takes you on an emotional journey filled with dark and beautiful elements. King combines mystery, love, and madness in an unparalleled way, and his unique ability to portray interpersonal relationships makes this an unforgettable reading experience. The central element of the novel is the relationship between Lisey and Scott. Through Lisey's perspective, we become acquainted with a complex and deep love that transcends death. King paints a realistic picture of the unpredictable nature of love, and the intensity between Lisey and Scott grips your heart. <blockquote>“And she sees that the moonlight is losing its orange glow. It has become buttery, and will soon turn to silver.” - Stephen King, ‘Lisey’s Story’</blockquote> The mystery surrounding Scott's death and his past adds a thrilling element to the story. As readers, we are driven by curiosity to uncover what truly happened and what secrets lie hidden in Scott's life. Stephen King knows how to hold the reader's attention, revealing details of the narrative in a way that creates a smooth and engaging reading experience. King truly captures the intricate shades of human emotions and interactions between the characters in a unique and subtle manner. The language and writing style are typical of Stephen King and his dark universe. He has a distinctive ability to vividly paint events and settings, creating an immediate connection to the story. <blockquote>“Because who would ever want to get close to another person if they knew how hard the letting-go part was? In your heart they only die a little at a time, don’t they? Like a plant when you go away on a trip and forget to ask a neighbor to poke in once in awhile with the old watering-can, and its so sad.” - Stephen King, ‘Lisey’s Story’</blockquote> 'Lisey's Story' serves as a reminder of why I love to dive into a book, to experience new worlds. And if you are a fan of Stephen King and his dark, gripping stories too, 'Lisey's Story' is an absolute must-read!!