The RCN series (also known as the Lt. Leary series) is a sequence of stand-alone science fiction novels revolving around Daniel Leary, an officer in the Republic of Cinnabar Navy (RCN). In this book, the second in the series, Lt. Daniel Leary commands the Princess Cecile; Signals Officer Adele Mundy has the spy apparatus and skill to crack any database. All they lack are enemies, and fate is about to supply those in abundance!
The Forge
David Drake, S.M. Stirling
audiobookLa noche en que Larry Kramer me besó
David Drake
bookThe Savior
Tony Daniel, David Drake
audiobookThe Heretic
Tony Daniel, David Drake
audiobookThe Tyrant
David Drake, Eric Flint
audiobookThe Reformer
David Drake, S.M. Stirling
audiobookThe Dance of Time
David Drake, Eric Flint
audiobookThe Chosen
David Drake, S.M. Stirling
audiobookThe Tide of Victory
David Drake, Eric Flint
audiobookThe Sword
David Drake, S.M. Stirling
audiobookFortune's Stroke
David Drake, Eric Flint
audiobookDestiny's Shield
Eric Flint, David Drake