Herman Melville
Herman Melville was born in 1819 in New York City. After his father's death he left school for a series of clerical jobs before going to sea as a young man of nineteen. At twenty-one he shipped aboard the whaler Acushnet and began a series of adventures in the South Seas that would last for three years and form the basis for his first two novels, Typee and Omoo. Although these two novels sold well and gained for Melville a measure of fame, nineteenth-century readers were puzzled by the experiments with form that he began with his third novel, Mardi, and continued brilliantly in his masterpiece, Moby-Dick. During his later years spent working as a customs inspector on the New York docks, Melville published only poems, compiled in a collection entitled Battle-Pieces, and died in 1891 with Billy Budd, Sailor, now considered a classic, still unpublished.
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Altså, FOR en innlevelse av leseren! Jeg ble faktisk kun værende nettopp pgra hans strålende framføring av boken. Selve boken er langtrukken og til tider som å lese et utgått leksikon, men likevel, mye godt språk som gir lyrisk stimuli.
Topp karakter til Jan Grønli sin mesterlige opplesning, stor innlevelse og intensitet og troverdighet som boken fortjener. Topp karakter også for selve boken Moby Dick, en stor klassiker som bare må oppleves, lydbok varianten kan anbefales
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