
Nostradamus : The Prophesies of an Astrologer, Physician, and Reputed Seer


Michel de Nostredame, referred to as Nostradamus in Latin, was a French astronomer, doctor, and presumed seer mostly known for his work Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains supposedly predicting future events. In the year 1555, the book was first released.

Since the release of his Les Prophéties, Nostradamus has acquired a very large following of followers who, in addition to the majority of the well-known press, credit him with properly anticipating many essential historic events.

Many of scholastic sources deny that Nostradamus had any true super prophetic skills, saying that the connections he made between international events and his quatrains were the repercussion of misconceptions or mistranslations (at times purposeful).

These experts also point out that Nostradamus' predictions are usually uncertain, meaning they might be applied to practically anything, and for that reason are unhelpful in developing whether or not the writer has true prophetic powers.

In this book, let’s take a look at what he predicted and if any of it came true.

Narrator: Chris Newman