
Post-me : Program "Modern Love"


This manga was created in collaboration with Dr. JĂŠrĂŠmie Salvadero.

In a world connected 24/7, a teacher, admired by his students, gives his life lessons via social networks. But when things get out of hand and Paul becomes the target of insults from his classmates, rumors spread and amplify at the speed of a single click on "Post"...

With Post-me, DarkHoni wants to make teenagers aware of their responsibilities when it comes to using social networks, and to make them question the veracity and speed of the information they find there.


Passionate about drawing since childhood, Loren Durand dived into the manga universe as a teenager. Trained at AAA - École de Manga under the auspices of a Japanese mangaka, he began publishing his drawings on the web under the pseudonym DarkHoni.