Defending Christianity in our time became unpopular, "private", shy and... poor. Catholic fundamental theology – officially responsible for defending faith on behalf of the Catholic Church – is aware of being in crisis: crisis of identity and content, and... popularity. It needs a new overall structure: a new point of departure and a new "spirit". It was offered by Joseph Ratzinger, Krzysztof Kaucha declares. Almost everything that has been recently used to undermine the Christian faith and Christianity is used by Ratzinger to… defend Christianity. Kaucha offers over a dozen arguments for Christianity based on Ratzinger's writings (and his original thinking): the Christian axiom as an argument for Christianity, Jesus Christ as the proof of the existence of God, Divine Revelation as an unending proof of God's existence, the alternative argument, the argument from definitive novelty, the argument from the absence of someone greater than Jesus, argument from truth, the anthropological argument, the argument from forgiveness, the argument "from reason", the argument from faith, Ratzinger's wager (in analogy to the famous Pascal's wager), the argument from the whole truth (many times very painful for Christians) about Christianity, the argument from the whole truth (many times very shameful for Catholics) about the Church, comparative argument no. 1 (Christianity versus other Religions), comparative argument no. 2 (Christianity versus the ever more secularized world).
The Church in the Face of Crises and Challenges over the Centuries : Selected Issues from the History of the Church
bookThe Spirit in Romans 8 : Paul, the Stoics, and Jewish Authors in Dialogue
Marcin Kowalski
bookThe Holy Spirit of Communion : A Study in Pneumatology and Ecclesiology
Marek Jagodziński
bookAnti-Epicurean Polemics in the New Testament Writings
Stefan Szymik
bookIerousalem or Hierosolyma : Exploring the Semitic and Hellenistic Onomastic Notions in Luke's Work
Krzysztof Mielcarek
bookAnti-Judaism and the Gospel of John : A New Look at the Fourth Gospel's Relationship with Judaism
Mirosław Stanisław Wróbel
bookBloodshed by King Manasseh, Assyrians and Priestly Scribes : Theological Meaning and Historical-Cultural Contextualization of 2 Kings 21:16, 24:3-4 in Relation to the Fall of Judah
Krzysztof Kinowski
bookMarked Quotations from Psalms in the Gospel of Matthew
Piotr Herok
bookCatholic Social Teaching and Social Entrepreneurship
Adam Zadroga
bookChristian Economic Heterodoxy : The Protestant Critique of Capitalism
Piotr Kopiec, Marcin Składanowski, Przemysław Kantyka
bookThe Christological Metaphors of Wine, Water, and Bread in the Gospel of John in Relation to Their Sapiential Background : An Intertextual Study
Michał Filip Powęska