
Recognize and Ward off Dark Psychology: How to Recognize Emotional Manipulation, Expose a Personality Disorder and Lies and Skillfully Fend Off Manipulation Techniques


Do you feel manipulated and deceived? Do you trust people too easily and allow yourself to be blinded by them? Do you have the feeling that you always end up with the wrong people and end up being surprised by their cold-heartedness? Or have you caught a manipulator and want to understand their behavior? Then you have made the right decision by buying this guide.

A dark side lurks in many people. They use psychological tricks to manipulate the people around them and play them off against each other. They use people cold-heartedly to achieve their own goals and rarely feel remorse or regret. Have you also had experiences with cold-hearted people and want to understand their behavior? This guide will give you answers to all your questions about dark psychology. You will learn all about the dark side of psychology. What constitutes it and how to recognize people with a dark side.

Narrator: Casey Wayman


  1. Reconnaître et repousser la psychologie noire: Comment reconnaître l'influence émotionnelle, démasquer un trouble de la personnalité et des mensonges et repousser les techniques de manipulation

    Martina Richter

  2. Recognize and Ward off Dark Psychology: How to Recognize Emotional Manipulation, Expose a Personality Disorder and Lies and Skillfully Fend Off Manipulation Techniques

    Martina Richter

  3. Dunkle Psychologie | Gaslighting | Manipulation | Narzissmus: Das große 4 in 1 Buch! Wie Sie emotionale Beeinflussung und Manipulationstechniken in Beruf, Alltag und Beziehung leicht erkennen und abwehren

    Martina Richter

  4. Dunkle Psychologie erkennen und abwehren: Wie Sie emotionale Beeinflussung in der Partnerschaft und im Beruf erkennen, eine Persönlichkeitsstörung und Lügen entlarven und Manipulationstechniken gekonnt abwehren

    Martina Richter

  5. Alles Anders

    Ulrike Zimmermann, Maria Hertting, Beate Schmidt, Cornelia Koepsel, Carola Härle, Susanne Riedel, Alex ten Berger, André Huter, Martina Richter, Anja Kubica, Hanne Vogt, Antje Steffen, Barbara Kühnlenz, Beatrix Mittermann, Cäcilia Then, Christin Feldmann, Christoph Gross, Claudia Overbeck, Claudia Schmitt, Claudia Timpen, Claudia Wahnschaffe, Danielle Weidig, Detlef Klewer, Dolores Pieschke, Florian Geiger, Hildegard Fillbrandt, Gianna S. Goldenbaum, Gisela Seekamp, Heidrun Böhm, Johanna Sibera, Josef Herzog, Karin Pelka, Kirsa Kerz, Klara Ammend, Werner Leuthner, Lilly Beier, Margret Küllmar, Marion Leuther, Marlis David, Ulla Stumbauer, Mary Rieger, Michael C. Goran, Norbert J. Wiegelmann, Oliver Müller, Regina Schleheck, Ronnie Pruggmayer, Sabine Henning-Vogel, Sven Linnartz, Sabine Kohlert, Sabine Siebert, Sonja Schindler, Susi Laubach, Tanja Sawall, Thomas Pfaffendorf, Marianne Labisch, Ursula Schulz-Debor, Dörte Müller, Elisa Bergmann, Friedhelm Rudolph, Susanne Ulrike Maria Albrecht, Claudia Paal, Monika Grasl, Uschi Hammes

  6. Das Haus am Ende des Weges ...

    Alf Glocker, Angelika Emmert, Andreas Schumacher, Anja Kubica, Barbara Kühnlenz, Beate Schmidt, Achim Stößer, Carmen Matthes, Carola Kickers, Charly Kappel, Christa Huber, Christin Feldmann, Christina Schmidtke, Christoph Gross, Cornelia Koepsell, Danielle Weidig, Detlef Klewer, Heinz H Hadwiger, Utz Anhalt, Eric Schreiber, Ev Stoldt, Eva Mileder, Gerhard Fritsch, Heike Knaak, Helmut Brüggemann, Hendrik Blome, Horst-Werner Klöckner, Jan Vlasak, Kerstin Surra, Kristina Edel, Marianne Labisch, Markus Cremer, Martina Richter, Max Heckel, Michael Rapp, Norbert J. Wiegelmann, Norbert Lütke, Oliver Henzler, Paola Reinhard, Raimund J. Höltich, Sabine Frambach, Sabine Jacob, Shanna Liebl, Simone Hehl, Sonja Fischer, Sonja Schindler, Susi Laubach, Sven Linnartz, Thomas Karg, Thomas Linzbauer, Ulla Stumbauer, Ulrike Zimmermann, Valentina Kramer, Veronika Lackerbauer, Veronika Wehner, Werner Leuthner, Wilhelm R. Vogel
