In danger of financial default, the remainder of the Union of Free Planets compels the seceding systems to return. Having seen the wolf at the door, the Union begins to think about enhancing its financial stability, and casts covetous eyes on the most prosperous independent systems. With the major news media as allies, the Union begins to set the stage for expansion.
Swiftsure, led by Cliff Rawlins and Kelly Bertkovich, has its hands full in keeping the interstellar shipping lanes safe. Nevertheless, they are not blind to what the Union might do. Developing a new type of ship that will challenge accepted naval doctrine allows Swiftsure to expand its fleet. They alert the most prosperous systems in settled space of the threat posed by the Union, who hire Swiftsure to defend them.
Swiftsure manages to thwart the Union's attacks on two systems, but cannot be everywhere at once. The Union succeeds in conquering two other planets. Though the Union claims they "invited" the unfortunate systems to join the Union of Free Planets, it is clear that war has begun.
The Secretary-General of the Union decides that Cliff, Kelly, and Swiftsure must be eliminated—by any means necessary . . .