Anyone suffering under the crushing weight of debt knows how impossible it can seem to find a way out. It's overwhelming - and the more complicated the proposed solution, the harder it is to stick with it. That's why "The Debt-Free Spending Plan" is simple. It doesn't require sifting through chapters of high-minded financial advice or digging up your past spending history. It assumes you need help right now, and gives it to you. You will learn to: downsize expenses without feeling deprived; allocate money as it comes in and put together an easy-to-manage bill-paying plan; adjust for inevitable overspending; and, pay off debt without gouging expenses and (believe it or not) start saving. The plan is clear, easy, and takes just five minutes a day-and it doesn't matter if you make $14,000 or $14 million. With straightforward daily spending strategies and effortless expense tracking tools, you will soon find yourself on the road to financial freedom-all before the next billing cycle.
The Debt-Free Spending Plan : An Amazingly Simple Way to Take Control of Your Finances Once and For All
- 1 book
JoAnneh Nagler
JoAnneh Nagler has a degree in psychology, a master’s degree in metaphysical counseling, a practitioner’s counseling license, and a minister’s license. She has been a life coach addressing personal happiness, creativity, and relationships for twelve years. She is also the author of The Debt-Free Spending Plan and How to Be an Artist Without Losing Your Mind, Your Shirt, or Your Creative Compass. She lives in Burlingame, California.
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